Every wondered who owns Kayo Sports? It’s Foxtel!
Who Owns Kayo?
Kayo is owned by the Foxtel Group. Kayo is officially part of Streamotion which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Foxtel. Because Foxtel owns Kayo, you’ll find most of the same sports content that you can get on Fox Sports, available on Kayo Sports.

What is Streamotion
Streamotion Pty Ltd is a subsidiary of Foxtel. You may have seen Streamotion on your bank statement and wondered what the charge is. This charge will be related to your Kayo Sports subscription.
When you login to Kayo Sports you use a Steamotion Account to login. This same account can be used to also login to Binge and Flash News which are also owned by Streamotion and Foxtel.
Why Did Foxtel Create Kayo Sports?
Over the last few years Foxtel has seen a decreasing number of subscribers to their traditional household product. Alternatively there has been an increase in the number of subscribers to their streaming products Binge, Flash News and Kayo Sports. Even their Foxtel Now Streaming service saw a drop in numbers. More and more people are leaving the Foxtel brand.
Part of this is due to they way people watch content. More people have Smart TVs and aren’t watching traditional TV using an antenna or satellite and instead are watching using apps like Netflix, Prime Video and Kayo Sports. These streaming apps are cheaper than Foxtel and for many people provide better content.
Foxtel created Kayo Sports to capture customers who pay for streaming services rather than a satellite package. My guess is Foxtel sees their streaming apps as the future. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Foxtel as a brand exists in 10 years time.
Is Kayo Sports part of News Corp?
Yes. Foxtel is owned by News Corp and Telstra. So News Corp does have a controlling interest in Kayo Sports. News Corp is a multi-national media company. The majority stake of News Corp is owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Murdoch Family.
Kayo Sports vs Foxtel
If you’ve been thinking about cancelling your Foxtel subscription and still want to watch sports content, then Kayo Sports is a great replacement. Unlike Foxtel, Kayo Sports is a streaming service. While you can stream content on Foxtel, most people use a IQ box connected to a satellite.
No 4k on Kayo
Foxtel has always been behind the times with 4k content. It took them an age to add it to their Foxtel plans (and then they charged extra for it!!). Unfortunately Kayo doesn’t support 4k. So if you enjoy watching sports content in 4k you will need to do it through Fox Sports on an IQ box.
Kayo Pricing
Kayo is much cheaper than Foxtel. Most plans on Foxtel will cost over $100. Kayo costs $25 per month. The other great thing about Kayo Sports is you can pause your subscription at anytime. This is great if you only use Kayo Sports during certain times of the year (for example when the F1 is on).